Monday, October 27, 2008

Penelope the Monster

I have written on original poem to accompany this marvelous creature that I have drawn and dubbed "Penelope"

Penelope always was a tiny thing,

Barely tall enough to talk to the Elf King.

Only 9 feet tall and 11 inches high,

She's a whole third of the size of her baby brother, Guy.

But that night was the night, her size wouldn't matter.

She was going to the ball. Maybe it was she, the prince would flatter.

She took out her favorite scarf, the pink and sparkley one,

And her skin had looked especially green when she got all her makeup done.

She sharpened her teeth to a very nice point.

She tried to look pretty only to, herself, disappoint.

On the way to the ball she thought in her mind,

Can't I look pretty just once?” But no change did she find.

When she arrived at the palace she reluctantly did walk,

Up to the Prince and they started to talk.

They talked about everything from light bulbs to dogs,

and she left that night singing, and dancing with frogs.

But she found the next morning the prince was to marry,

The most beautiful girl,” said her cousin named Gary.

That won't be me,” she sulked in her room.

I'm just a little monster whose beauty will never bloom.”

But that very next day as she got out of bed,

She heard a horse's clip-clop and she thought it was Uncle Ed.

Someone knocked on the door and Penelope was called.

There stood the prince! Right there in her hall!

He took her by the hand while they walked in the garden,

And he asked her to marry him and she said, “WHAT?! I mean, pardon?

I'm not beautiful at all. I mean, look at my face!”

She let go of his hands and looked down with disgrace.

What in the world do you mean?” asked the prince, appalled.

Of all the girls I've ever met, you're the most beautiful of all.

I love the way you giggle and how you never boast.

You're gorgeous on the inside, and that's what matters most.”

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