Friday, September 19, 2008

Sophie, the Magnificent Ball-Playing Spider

Sophie knew she was different as soon as she was exposed to the basketball court. Ever since then, her life has been contented by the hope and promise of another game after school's done.

She never has trouble with volunteers to be on her team but finding her opponents is a completely different story.

More times than not, this happens. The other team runs away at the sight of her. Poor Sophie...


Ann said...

Emmy, your drawings are charming! I enjoyed every one of them here!

Hi I'm Laurie... said...

Sophie is so cute! I love your artwork and have enjoyed my visit to your blog immensely!

Thanks so much for the comment on my blog.

...who homeschools 3 highschoolers of her own...:-)

Oh...I almost forgot! You asked about my swaps group. I joined a group of people from the Everyday Matters group in swapping ATCs and was in "Group 2." You can find the email list for the EDM Swaps group at: And the main EDM group is here: