Sunday, August 29, 2010

Beautiful Biloxy Bag

I went on a mission trip this summer to M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I. We helped rebuild houses for Katrina victims. I say "rebuild" cuz that's what we wanted to do, but what I really mean is "repaint". I had the best group a person could ask for and even though we worked in a heat index of 105, it felt good! I get to go again in January and I'm just countin down the months!

In the middle of the week we had a free day where we got to be tourists so we went to the beach, ate out, went sight seeing, and did a little shopping. That's when I set my eyes on this gorgeous bag. It was fifteen dollars, and I'm a bit of a penny-pincher since I don't earn a whole lot (10 dollars a week for mowing the lawn) but my mom told me that if I didn't get it, I would regret it for a long time.

I wish I could say that my bag held only the most romantic things: an old first-edition of Alice and Wonderland (I actually can't stand that story), love letters from my true love, a pair of cute reading glasses (I'm really near-sighted. Don't need reading glasses) and the like....Unfortunately all it holds right now is the school books I take to art while I wait for my class period.

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