Thursday, April 30, 2009

"I'm a little teapot!"

This is a teapot set that I made for my mom in Mary Engelbreit style out of salt dough.


Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of "W, X, Y, &, Z" So this is only 4/5 of my Zendoodle Alphabet
When I sat down to make these cards, I thought I would stop trying to make a font and instead use the same pattern to make a letter. I really like all the cards from this bunch but "A" and "B" are my favorites.

This was my first attempt at using colored pencils in this way. I think the "G" turned out the best but I like the pattern of "H" better.

I like "N" and "O" best of this group. These were actually the first cards I made. The ATC trade went out of order so that made it interesting.

I think that my "S" and "T" worked out very nicely in this pod of cards. I hope whoever has them now enjoys them!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sony Ericsson

One of the coolest features is the built in Walkman. It's neat to have some of my favorite music to listen to wherever I go.


It was so nice out yesterday that I thought I would spend a few hours outside drawing some of our colorful flowers. I drew tulips, daffodils, and what we believe are grape hyacinths. I drew each flower three times using graphite, water color, and Pitt Pens.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nashua, IA

This wasn't a very good scan. But you can kind of tell that this is a sketch of a bridge. This was something my mom and I decided to draw while driving to my sister's house. We thought it would be neat to draw the old bridge in Nashua framed by the new one.

Catching Up On Old Times

It's been so long since I have made a blog entry. This is what I have been making lately.
The funny thing about this journal page, is that I have managed to spell "attic" wrong, twice!
This was at my friend's birthday party. My dad was in a conversation with her and I figured she would be there for a while so I thought I probably had enough time to draw her. I wish I could have captured how beautiful she really is.
I love the library. It's one of my favorite places on earth. The environment is just so inviting. So I got to sit by myself and read. After a while I looked up and realized how nice the rocking chair in front of me was. I simply had to draw it.

I laughed so hard after finishing this, below, when I realized that the firefighter looked like the Joker so i had to emphasize my mistake and outline her mouth in red. Now I like Caramel de Lites even more than I did before!